Class LingoClusteringAlgorithm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AcceptingVisitor, ClusteringAlgorithm

    public class LingoClusteringAlgorithm
    extends AttrComposite
    implements ClusteringAlgorithm
    Lingo clustering algorithm. Implementation as described in: Stanisław Osiński, Dawid Weiss: A Concept-Driven Algorithm for Clustering Search Results. IEEE Intelligent Systems, May/June, 3 (vol. 20), 2005, pp. 48—54.
    • Field Detail

      • scoreWeight

        public AttrDouble scoreWeight
        Balance between cluster score and size during cluster sorting. Value equal to 0.0 will cause Lingo to sort clusters based only on cluster size. Value equal to 1.0 will cause Lingo to sort clusters based only on cluster score.
      • desiredClusterCount

        public AttrInteger desiredClusterCount
        Desired cluster count. A factor used to calculate the number of clusters based on the number of documents on input. The larger the value, the more clusters will be created. The number of clusters created by the algorithm will be proportionally adjusted to the desired cluster count, but may be different.
      • matrixBuilder

        public TermDocumentMatrixBuilder matrixBuilder
        Term-document matrix builder, contains attributes determining the size and contents of the matrix
      • matrixReducer

        public TermDocumentMatrixReducer matrixReducer
        Term-document matrix reducer, contains attributes determining the matrix decomposition method to be used during clustering.
      • clusterBuilder

        public ClusterBuilder clusterBuilder
        Cluster builder, contains attributes determining the structure and labels of clusters produced by the Lingo algorithm.
      • queryHint

        public final AttrString queryHint
        Query hint. Query terms used to retrieve documents being clustered. The query is used as a hint to avoid creating trivial clusters consisting only of query words.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LingoClusteringAlgorithm

        public LingoClusteringAlgorithm()