Class TermDocumentMatrixBuilder

    • Field Detail

      • boostedFieldWeight

        public final AttrDouble boostedFieldWeight
        Gives more weight to words that appeared in title fields. The larger the value, the stronger boost the title words will receive.
      • boostFields

        public AttrStringArray boostFields
        Specifies a list of field names that are boosted by boostedFieldWeight attribute. Content of fields provided in this attribute can be given more weight during clustering.
      • maximumMatrixSize

        public final AttrInteger maximumMatrixSize
        Maximum term-document matrix size. Determines the maximum number of the term-document matrix elements. The larger the size, the more accurate, time- and memory-consuming clustering.
      • maxWordDf

        public final AttrDouble maxWordDf
        Maximum word document frequency. The maximum document frequency allowed for words as a fraction of all documents. Words with document frequency larger than maxWordDf will be ignored. For example, when maxWordDf is 0.4, words appearing in more than 40% of documents will be be ignored. A value of 1.0 means that all words will be taken into account, no matter in how many documents they appear.

        This attribute may be useful when certain words appear in most of the input documents (e.g. company name from header or footer) and such words dominate the cluster labels. In such case, setting it to a value lower than 1.0 (e.g. 0.9) may improve the clusters.

        Another useful application of this attribute is when there is a need to generate only very specific clusters, that is clusters containing small numbers of documents. This can be achieved by setting maxWordDf to extremely low values: 0.1 or 0.05.

      • termWeighting

        public TermWeighting termWeighting
        Term weighting. The method for calculating weight of words in the term-document matrices.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TermDocumentMatrixBuilder

        public TermDocumentMatrixBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • buildTermDocumentMatrix

        public void buildTermDocumentMatrix​(VectorSpaceModelContext vsmContext)
        Builds a term-document matrix from data provided in the context, stores the result in there.