Carrot2 4.3.x

Release history for Carrot2 4.3.0 and bugfix releases.

Version 4.3.1

This is a bugfix release fixing a bug in the Workbench that prevented it from loading.

Bug fixes


A typo caused the workbench to fail to load properly.


Version 4.3.0

This is a bugfix and maintenance release with minor changes to the API.

Bug fixes

Language loader

In case a single algorithm is passed as a restriction to language component loader, the resulting list of languages is guaranteed to be supported by that algorithm.

If more than one algorithm is passed as a restriction, a follow-up check of supported languages is still required.



Lucene and Jetty upgrades

Lucene dependency has been upgraded to version 8.8.2. Jetty has been upgraded to version 9.4.35.v20201120.

Workbench improvements

Numerous workbench user interface improvements and tweaks have been made.

#109 #104 #124 #123 #63 #73 #84