Carrot2 4.4.x

Release history for Carrot2 4.4.0 and bugfix releases.

Version 4.4.3

This is a bugfix release updating third party dependencies and fixing a results-consistency bug in STC.

STC output not stable

STC clustering could emit different labels for the same input.

NPE when clustering in Brazilian

Clustering in Brazilian could result in an NPE when the returned stem was null.

Dependency upgrades

Upgraded library dependencies: carrotsearch-console to 1.0.8, HPPC to 0.9.1, Jackson to 2.13.3, Morfologik to 2.1.9 and Jetty to 9.4.48.v20220622.

Infrastructure improvements

Run prettier via npm (build speedup), render the documentation with free fonts, enable nightly tests on github, upgrade gradle and build plugins.

#156 #154 #148 #150

Version 4.4.2

This is a bugfix release updating just log4j dependency to version 2.17.1, Lucene to 8.11.1 and jackson to 2.13.1.

Version 4.4.1

This is a bugfix release updating just log4j dependency to version 2.16.0.

Version 4.4.0

This is a maintenance release that upgrades third-party dependencies, the build system and removes deprecated support for legacy dictionary formats.


Dependency upgrades

Upgraded library dependencies: HPPC 9.0.0, jackson 2.13.0, commons-compress 1.21, log4j 2.15.0, Lucene 8.11.0, jetty 9.4.44.v20210927.

Build infrastructure upgrades

Upgraded to gradle 7, upgraded build plugins. Upgraded jflex to 1.8.2 and regenerated the lexers.

#125 #132


Legacy dictionaries

Support for legacy *.utf8 dictionaries has been removed.
