Class IntArrayPredicateIterator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class IntArrayPredicateIterator
    extends Object
    implements Iterator<Integer>
    Iterates over ranges between elements for which a given predicate returns true . The returned range may be of zero length (getLength()).

    An example probably best explains what this class does. Consider the following array:

     [SEP, SEP, 1, SEP]
    where SEP is something for which the predicate returns true. If so, then the returned subranges would be equal to (start index, length):
     [0,0]  (empty range before the first separator)
     [1,0]  (empty range after the first separator)
     [2,1]  ([1])
     [4,0]  (empty range after last separator)
    • Constructor Detail

      • IntArrayPredicateIterator

        public IntArrayPredicateIterator​(short[] array,
                                         int from,
                                         int length,
                                         com.carrotsearch.hppc.predicates.ShortPredicate separator)
      • IntArrayPredicateIterator

        public IntArrayPredicateIterator​(short[] array,
                                         com.carrotsearch.hppc.predicates.ShortPredicate separator)