Class RandomSeedingStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • RandomSeedingStrategy

        public RandomSeedingStrategy()
        Creates RandomSeedingStrategy with seed based on current time.
      • RandomSeedingStrategy

        public RandomSeedingStrategy​(int seed)
        Creates RandomSeedingStrategy with given random seed.
    • Method Detail

      • seed

        public void seed​(org.carrot2.math.mahout.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D A,
                         org.carrot2.math.mahout.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D U,
                         org.carrot2.math.mahout.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D V)
        Description copied from interface: SeedingStrategy
        Initializes values of the provided U and V matrices. The A matrix is the input matrix to be factorized.
        Specified by:
        seed in interface SeedingStrategy
        A - matrix to be factorized
        U - left factorized matrix to be seeded
        V - right factorized matrix to be seeded