Lingo attributes
You can tune various aspects of Lingo clustering by changing some of the attributes of the algorithm.
Below is the list of algorithm attributes along with their default values. When pasting the JSON to your REST API requests, choose one of the available configuration variants where noted. Click on the property name to see the available documentation.
{"clusterBuilder": {"labelAssigner": {// 2 configuration variants available, choose one"@type": "SimpleLabelAssigner""@type": "UniqueLabelAssigner"},},"matrixBuilder": {"termWeighting": {// 3 configuration variants available, choose one"@type": "LinearTfIdfTermWeighting""@type": "LogTfIdfTermWeighting""@type": "TfTermWeighting"},"titleWordsBoost": 2.0},"matrixReducer": {"factorizationFactory": {// 5 configuration variants available, choose one"@type": "KMeansMatrixFactorizationFactory","factorizationQuality": "HIGH""@type": "LocalNonnegativeMatrixFactorizationFactory","factorizationQuality": "HIGH""@type": "NonnegativeMatrixFactorizationEDFactory","factorizationQuality": "HIGH""@type": "NonnegativeMatrixFactorizationKLFactory","factorizationQuality": "HIGH""@type": "PartialSingularValueDecompositionFactory"}},"preprocessing": {"labelFilters": {"genitiveLabelFilter": {},"numericLabelFilter": {},"queryLabelFilter": {},"stopLabelFilter": {},"stopWordLabelFilter": {}},"wordDfThreshold": 1},"scoreWeight": 0.0}
- Type
- Double
- Default
- 0.7
- Constraints
- value >= 0.0 and value <= 1.0
- Path
- clusterBuilder.clusterMergingThreshold
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.clusterBuilder.clusterMergingThreshold
The percentage overlap between two cluster's documents required for the clusters to be merged into one cluster. Low values will result in more aggressive merging, which may lead to irrelevant documents in clusters. High values will result in fewer clusters being merged, which may lead to very similar or duplicated clusters.
- Type
- org.carrot2.clustering.lingo.LabelAssigner
- Default
- UniqueLabelAssigner
- Path
- clusterBuilder.labelAssigner
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.clusterBuilder.labelAssigner
Cluster label assignment method.
Available implementations:
For each base vector chooses the label that maximizes the base vector--label term vector cosine similarity. Different vectors can get the same label assigned, which means the number of final labels (after duplicate removal) may be smaller than the number of base vectors on input.
For each base vector chooses the label that maximizes the base vector--label term vector cosine similarity and has not been previously selected. Once a label is selected, it will not be used to label any other vector. This algorithm does not create duplicate cluster labels, which usually means that this assignment method will create more clusters than
. This method is slightly slower thanorg.carrot2.clustering.lingo.SimpleLabelAssigner
- Type
- Double
- Default
- 1.5
- Constraints
- value >= 0.0 and value <= 10.0
- Path
- clusterBuilder.phraseLabelBoost
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.clusterBuilder.phraseLabelBoost
The weight of multi-word labels relative to one-word labels. Low values will result in more one-word labels being produced, higher values will favor multi-word labels.
- Type
- Integer
- Default
- 8
- Constraints
- value >= 2 and value <= 8
- Path
- clusterBuilder.phraseLengthPenaltyStart
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.clusterBuilder.phraseLengthPenaltyStart
The phrase length at which the overlong multi-word labels should
start to be penalized. Phrases of length smaller than phraseLengthPenaltyStart
will not be penalized.
- Type
- Integer
- Default
- 8
- Constraints
- value >= 2 and value <= 8
- Path
- clusterBuilder.phraseLengthPenaltyStop
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.clusterBuilder.phraseLengthPenaltyStop
The phrase length at which the overlong multi-word labels should be
removed completely. Phrases of length larger than phraseLengthPenaltyStop
will be
- Type
- Integer
- Default
- 30
- Constraints
- value >= 2 and value <= 100
- Path
- desiredClusterCount
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.desiredClusterCount
A factor used to calculate the number of clusters based on the number of documents on input. The larger the value, the more clusters will be created. The number of clusters created by the algorithm will be proportionally adjusted to the desired cluster count, but may be different.
- Type
- Double
- Default
- 0.9
- Constraints
- value >= 0.0 and value <= 1.0
- Path
- matrixBuilder.maxWordDf
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.matrixBuilder.maxWordDf
The maximum document frequency allowed for words as a fraction
of all documents. Words with document frequency larger than org.carrot2.text.vsm.TermDocumentMatrixBuilder#maxWordDf
will be ignored.
For example, when org.carrot2.text.vsm.TermDocumentMatrixBuilder#maxWordDf
is 0.4, words appearing in more than 40% of documents will
be be ignored. A value of 1.0 means that all words will be taken into account, no matter in how
many documents they appear.
This attribute may be useful when certain words appear in most of the input documents (e.g. company name from header or footer) and such words dominate the cluster labels. In such case, setting it to a value lower than 1.0 (e.g. 0.9) may improve the clusters.
Another useful application of this attribute is when there is a need to generate only very
specific clusters, that is clusters containing small numbers of documents. This can be achieved
by setting org.carrot2.text.vsm.TermDocumentMatrixBuilder#maxWordDf
to extremely low values: 0.1 or 0.05.
- Type
- Integer
- Default
- 37500
- Constraints
- value >= 5000
- Path
- matrixBuilder.maximumMatrixSize
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.matrixBuilder.maximumMatrixSize
Determines the maximum number of the term-document matrix elements. The larger the size, the more accurate, time- and memory-consuming clustering.
- Type
- org.carrot2.text.vsm.TermWeighting
- Default
- LogTfIdfTermWeighting
- Path
- matrixBuilder.termWeighting
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.matrixBuilder.termWeighting
The method for calculating weight of words in the term-document matrices.
Available implementations:
Calculates term-document matrix element values based on Linear Inverse Term Frequency.
Calculates term-document matrix element values based on Log Inverse Term Frequency.
Calculates term-document matrix element values based on Term Frequency.
- Type
- Double
- Default
- 2.0
- Constraints
- value >= 0.0 and value <= 10.0
- Path
- matrixBuilder.titleWordsBoost
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.matrixBuilder.titleWordsBoost
Gives more weight to words that appeared in title fields. The larger the value, the stronger boost the title words will receive.
- Type
- org.carrot2.math.matrix.MatrixFactorizationFactory
- Default
- NonnegativeMatrixFactorizationEDFactory
- Path
- matrixReducer.factorizationFactory
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.matrixReducer.factorizationFactory
The method to be used to factorize the term-document matrix and create base vectors that will give rise to cluster labels.
Available implementations:
This kind of factorization is sometimes referred to as Concept Decomposition Factorization.
- Type
- org.carrot2.math.matrix.FactorizationQuality
- Default
- Constraints
- value in [LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH]
- Path
- matrixReducer.factorizationFactory.factorizationQuality
- Java snippet
- ((org.carrot2.math.matrix.KMeansMatrixFactorizationFactory) algorithmInstance.matrixReducer.factorizationFactory).factorizationQuality
The number of iterations of matrix factorization to perform. The higher the required quality, the more time-consuming clustering.
Performs matrix factorization using the Local Non-negative Matrix Factorization algorithm with minimization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between A and UV' and multiplicative updating.
- Type
- org.carrot2.math.matrix.FactorizationQuality
- Default
- Constraints
- value in [LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH]
- Path
- matrixReducer.factorizationFactory.factorizationQuality
- Java snippet
- ((org.carrot2.math.matrix.LocalNonnegativeMatrixFactorizationFactory) algorithmInstance.matrixReducer.factorizationFactory).factorizationQuality
The number of iterations of matrix factorization to perform. The higher the required quality, the more time-consuming clustering.
Performs matrix factorization using the Non-negative Matrix Factorization algorithm with minimization of Euclidean Distance between A and UV' and multiplicative updating.
- Type
- org.carrot2.math.matrix.FactorizationQuality
- Default
- Constraints
- value in [LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH]
- Path
- matrixReducer.factorizationFactory.factorizationQuality
- Java snippet
- ((org.carrot2.math.matrix.NonnegativeMatrixFactorizationEDFactory) algorithmInstance.matrixReducer.factorizationFactory).factorizationQuality
The number of iterations of matrix factorization to perform. The higher the required quality, the more time-consuming clustering.
Performs matrix factorization using the Non-negative Matrix Factorization by minimization of Kullback-Leibler divergence between A and UV' and multiplicative updating.
- Type
- org.carrot2.math.matrix.FactorizationQuality
- Default
- Constraints
- value in [LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH]
- Path
- matrixReducer.factorizationFactory.factorizationQuality
- Java snippet
- ((org.carrot2.math.matrix.NonnegativeMatrixFactorizationKLFactory) algorithmInstance.matrixReducer.factorizationFactory).factorizationQuality
The number of iterations of matrix factorization to perform. The higher the required quality, the more time-consuming clustering.
Performs matrix factorization using the Singular Value Decomposition algorithm.
- Type
- Boolean
- Default
- false
- Path
- preprocessing.documentAssigner.exactPhraseAssignment
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.preprocessing.documentAssigner.exactPhraseAssignment
When set to true
, clusters will contain only the
documents that contain the cluster's label in its original form, including the order of words.
Enabling this option will cause fewer documents to be put in clusters, increasing the precision
of assignment, but also increasing the "Other Topics" group. Disabling this option will cause
more documents to be put in clusters, which will make the "Other Topics" cluster smaller, but
also lower the precision of cluster-document assignments.
- Type
- Integer
- Default
- 2
- Constraints
- value >= 1 and value <= 100
- Path
- preprocessing.documentAssigner.minClusterSize
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.preprocessing.documentAssigner.minClusterSize
Determines the minimum number of documents in each cluster.
- Type
- Double
- Default
- 0.65
- Constraints
- value >= 0.0 and value <= 1.0
- Path
- preprocessing.labelFilters.completeLabelFilter.labelOverrideThreshold
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.preprocessing.labelFilters.completeLabelFilter.labelOverrideThreshold
Determines the strength of the truncated label filter. The lowest value means strongest truncated labels elimination, which may lead to overlong cluster labels and many unclustered documents. The highest value effectively disables the filter, which may result in short or truncated labels.
- Type
- Integer
- Default
- 3
- Path
- preprocessing.labelFilters.minLengthLabelFilter.minLength
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.preprocessing.labelFilters.minLengthLabelFilter.minLength
Minimum label length, in words, inclusive.
- Type
- Integer
- Default
- 1
- Constraints
- value >= 1 and value <= 100
- Path
- preprocessing.phraseDfThreshold
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.preprocessing.phraseDfThreshold
Phrases appearing in fewer than phraseDfThreshold
documents will be ignored.
- Type
- Integer
- Default
- 1
- Constraints
- value >= 1 and value <= 100
- Path
- preprocessing.wordDfThreshold
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.preprocessing.wordDfThreshold
Words appearing in fewer than wordDfThreshold
documents will be ignored.
- Type
- String
- Default
- undefined
- Path
- queryHint
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.queryHint
Query terms used to retrieve documents being clustered. The query is used as a hint to avoid creating trivial clusters consisting only of query words.
- Type
- Double
- Default
- 0.0
- Constraints
- value >= 0.0 and value <= 1.0
- Path
- scoreWeight
- Java snippet
- algorithmInstance.scoreWeight
Value equal to 0.0 will cause Lingo to sort clusters based only on cluster size. Value equal to 1.0 will cause Lingo to sort clusters based only on cluster score.